Label Line Ltd Take Advantage of Specialist Support from Knowsley Growth Hub

Due to a period of growth, in 2014 the company relocated to Webber Estates on the Knowsley Business Park. Aiming to continue this growth trajectory, Company Director David Lee contacted the Knowsley Growth Hub to find out what support was available to local businesses.

After an initial meeting with the Growth Hub Business Advisor, the company enrolled onto the Business Growth Programme and accessed support for Health & Safety and Tendering.

David Lee said; “The original one-to-one support we received was fantastic, and now that this has concluded we see the benefit and value of continuing to work with the consultant on our Health & Safety policies. I would advise any local business to contact the Growth Hub and take up the support they can provide”.

To find out more about Label Line UK Ltd call on: 0151 546 2222 or visit our website

To see how the Knowsley Growth Hub can help your business call on 0151 477 4000, or email [email protected]